Menopause Natural and Holistic Treatment in Scottsdale and Phoenix Arizona

The journey through menopause is deeply personal. Each women has unique needs and goals as they walk through this life-changing transition.  

It should be emphasized that menopause is not a disease state! But woman often enter menopause with existing hormone imbalances and health issues that can make the journey more difficult. 

Women may experience symptoms such as insomnia, hot flashes, weight gain, vaginal dryness, and mood issues. There may also be concerns about bone health. 

Dr Stefanski partners with her menopausal patients to develop an individualized plan that supports them through their journey through menopause. 

Natural medicine, including bioidentical hormone therapy, (BHRT) can be extremely helpful in the years leading up to menopause and in the years afterwards. 

Dr Stefanski has completed advanced BHRT training with Dr Neal Rouzier MD who is considered the foremost expert on bioidentical hormone therapy in the United States and abroad. 

Want to learn more about how Dr. Stefanski works with women suffering from menopausal symptoms?