PCOS Specialist in Scottsdale Arizona

Dr. Stefanski uses an individualized, whole-body approach to treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) naturally. This approach addresses the underlying imbalances that allow PCOS to develop.

Your treatment plan will be designed to deeply nourish you, correct nutritional and hormonal imbalances, and get your cycle back on track. Many patients find that during the treatment journey they also experience benefits like weight loss, improved mood, clear skin and thicker hair.

Listen to The PCOS Doctor Podcast hosted by Dr. Stefanski!

Your PCOS Plan: A personalized approach

Comprehensive Assessment

  • Dr. Stefanski will review your complete medical history including the details of the health story that often doesn't get captured in medical records.

  • Lab testing and imaging will be ordered as needed in order to fully understand the unique picture of PCOS in your body.

Support Gut Health and Calm Inflammation

  • Re-balance the gut microbiome, support proper digestion and absorption of nutrients and regular elimination of waste.

  • Calm the immune response that starts in the Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue (GALT), the largest mass of immune tissue in the body. A heightened immune response can make seasonal allergies and food sensitivities worse.

Gentle Detoxification

  • Support the body's ability to detoxify and eliminate excess amounts of certain hormones and hormone-disrupting chemicals that interfere with our body and brain's ability to properly regulate hormone levels.

  • Support the major organs of detoxification and elimination like the liver, skin, kidneys, lymphatic system and digestive tract.

Correct Hormone Imbalances

  • Address common sex hormone imbalances in PCOS that typically include elevated levels of androgens like testosterone and DHEA and an imbalance in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone.

  • Aggressively treat low thyroid function when it is part of the clinical picture.

  • Calm and balance cortisol, the hormone released by our adrenal glands and fat cells that drives the "fight, flight or freeze" response.

Balance Blood Sugar and Reverse Insulin Resistance

  • Correct the insulin resistance and blood sugar issues that contribute to weight gain and the PCOS disease process by using the right nutrition, movement and supplementation.

Support Pelvic Health

  • Nourish pelvic circulation, nerve conduction and the flow of lymph through the pelvis.

Would you like to work with Dr. Stefanski? Learn more here: