Your path to healing

Your health challenges today are not your destiny. Things can be turned around. No matter how long you’ve felt 'off', there are powerful, all-natural solutions to restore your health and reclaim the energy, vitality, and confidence you that is rightfully yours. 


As a naturopathic and functional medicine doctor who specializes in hormone health, I have helped thousands of patients just like you not simply put a band-aid or a temporary fix on their symptoms, but rather treat their health challenges at a root level that produces lasting healing and change.  

With the right guidance and support, your body can heal. You can gain the energy and confidence you need to live the healthy life of your dreams!

Compassionate, Personalized Care: A treatment plan designed specifically for you; no one-size-fits-all medicine here

Natural Therapies that Work: Safe and effective naturopathic and functional medicine treatments that work with your body, naturally

Comprehensive Visits: Generous amounts of time and attention to the details of your health story
A Whole-Person Approach to Wellness: Addressing mind, body and spirit for lasting, holistic healing

Diagnostic Testing: Comprehensive lab testing with a focus on optimal results, not just “normal” numbers